The reconstruction of the units has rigorously been sifted through studies and historical researches, as regards body equipments, uniforms, and badges.Ī very maniac research has been conducted in the reconstruction of the accoutrements (ie the military equipments). The Polizia Africana Italiana (P.A.I.) and troops of the Regio Corpo Truppe Coloniali, composed by native person, portrait the Italian Colonial experience that ends with the defeat in the war. Great space has also been granted to the African war theater, with Bersaglieri, Alpini, Black Shirts and Young Fascist, Carabinieri Reali (CCRR), and all infantry Divisions like the Cirene, Marmarica, Sirte, and Tunisia ones. Units assigned to special duties are included too: like transmissions, mortarmen, flamethrowers, support machinegunners, antitank infantry, combat engineers, tankmen of the Ariete Armored Division. The Regio Esercito Italiano includes great part of the units that have fought on the different fronts opened by Mussolini, beginning from the classical infantry units like Alpini of the Julia Division, Bersaglieri, “M” Battalions, Coastlines Brigade, Carabinieri, Granatieri of Sardinia, Pasubio Brigade, regiments of the Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale (MSVN, ie the Black Shirts), Cacciatori of Albania, Savoia Cavalleria, 10th Arditi, Zara Regiment and some units of the special forces of A.D.R.A.

In this way we hope to represent in the better way all the people that have fought for Italy during the World War 2, without dinstintion for their political, ideological, social and religious beliefs. Infantry has been sub-divided in three pseudo-factions.įrom 1940 to 1943 we have the Regio Esercito Italiano (R.E.I.) from 1943 al 1945 we have the Repubblica Sociale Italiana (R.S.I.), accompanied, from 1944 to 1945, by the Esercito Cobelligerante Italiano and the Brigate Partigiane, that fought the war of Liberation against the fascism. This modification tries to portrait the very complex historical, social and political events that have belonged the to Italian Nation during the World War 2. This modification is focused on the Italians during the World War 2. Italian Soldiers and Warfare in World War II